How to Use Aircall Analytics: A Complete Guide

Table of Contents


Aircall is a cloud-based phone system that offers advanced call analytics features to businesses of all sizes. Aircall Analytics allows you to gain insights into your team’s performance, your customers’ behavior, and the overall health of your business. In this guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of using Aircall Analytics to maximize the efficiency and productivity of your team.

how to use aircall analytics

Getting Started with Aircall Analytics

To start using Aircall Analytics, you need to have an Aircall account. Once you have an account, log in to your dashboard and select the Analytics tab from the menu. Aircall Analytics provides a comprehensive view of your call activity, allowing you to monitor call volume, call duration, and missed calls. You can also view detailed metrics on call quality, response times, and customer satisfaction.

To get started with Aircall Analytics, you should begin by setting up your dashboards. Dashboards provide a quick overview of your team’s performance and can be customized to suit your specific needs. You can create multiple dashboards and add widgets to each one to display the information that matters most to you. For example, you may want to create a dashboard that displays call volume by agent, call duration by department, and customer satisfaction by product.

Using Aircall Analytics to Monitor Performance

Aircall Analytics allows you to monitor your team’s performance in real-time. You can view the number of calls made and received, average call duration, and the number of missed calls. You can also track individual agent performance and identify areas for improvement. Aircall Analytics provides detailed reports on agent activity, including the number of calls made and received, the average call duration, and the percentage of missed calls.

To monitor your team’s performance, you can use Aircall Analytics to set up custom alerts. For example, you may want to receive an alert when a call exceeds a certain duration or when a missed call remains unanswered for a certain period of time. Custom alerts help you stay on top of your team’s performance and take action to improve it.

Using Aircall Analytics to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Aircall Analytics provides detailed insights into your customers’ behavior, allowing you to identify trends and patterns that can help you improve customer satisfaction. You can track the number of calls made and received, the average call duration, and the percentage of missed calls. You can also monitor customer satisfaction ratings and identify areas where you need to improve.

To improve customer satisfaction, you can use Aircall Analytics to track the performance of your customer service agents. You can identify areas where agents need additional training or coaching and take action to improve their performance. You can also use Aircall Analytics to track the performance of your products and services and identify areas where you need to make improvements.

In conclusion, Aircall Analytics provides a powerful set of tools for businesses to monitor their phone system and gain insights into their team’s performance and customer behavior. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can get started with Aircall Analytics and use it to improve the efficiency and productivity of your team and enhance customer satisfaction.
